Buzz About It
Here's where I tell you what works & what doesn't about the products I am reviewing for BzzAgent as well as any other products I am trying out!
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
Paula's Choice Resist Hyaluronic Acid Booster

Saturday, May 24, 2014
Recently I checked out an app called Tophatter. It's a bidding site. It operates very simply and I thought it was cute. You can even chat with your fellow bidders. A large group of us were gathered for Urban Decay & Smashbox cosmetics. Now I'm plenty old enough to know all about buyer beware, but this was crazy. The bidding started to get out of hand & go way over retail price. So, quite a few of us spoke out & our ability to comment was abruptly silenced. The worst part is, the cosmetics they were selling weren't even current. I'm just really disgusted with the way it was handled. Any time you buy an item online, decide beforehand what your maximum bid is and find out how much the product currently sells for. I watched silently (forcibly silenced) as women paid more than retail for cosmetics that had been on clearance a year ago. Buyer beware!
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Cappuccino K-Cups? Yes, please!
Grove Square makes these French Vanilla cappuccino K-cups that are less expensive than other brands. I found them at Wal-Mart. I love a French Vanilla cappuccino from the gas station, so I was excited to try these K-cups out.
The taste is somewhat similar. It's not as flavorful or smooth. It certainly doesn't have that delicious fullness to it that the gas station cappuccinos have.
Basically, it's hot chocolate. It is tasty though. After trying this brand, I'm really willing now to plunk down extra cash and try the Gevalia cappuccino K-cups.
Have you tried these? What did you think?
Thursday, April 17, 2014
Oh yes - Paula's Choice Skin Perfecting 2% BHA Liquid

Go to Paula's Choice right now and buy this. Click on Paula's Choice and it will take you right to the product line. There's a liquid as well as a gel. YOU NEED THIS.
What is it? It's a 2% BHA liquid (or gel) that gently exfoliates your skin. It reduces redness, reduces the appearance of pores and it also reduces acne breakouts. It leaves your skin looking brighter and reduces the appearance of wrinkles as well!
I saw results OVERNIGHT. I am not making that up. I received a full sized bottle thanks to BzzAgent, who allows me to try some incredibly great products (and some stinkers). Thankfully, this is the best skin care product I have ever used. You put a little on a cotton ball and apply to a clean face. Now swish that cotton ball over your neck & chest area, as well as the backs of your hands. Follow up with a little moisturizer on your face. Wake up in the morning and you look marvelous! My pores were gone. Where were those little bumps that are always hanging around the bottom of my lip line? With continued use, my skin looks brighter. My dark spots are still there, maybe not as dark. I love that my pores are GONE. They were nasty and I don't miss them! Instructions say to use it 1-2 times a day and I did find that this was too drying for my skin, so I scaled it back to once at night. Make sure you use a moisturizer afterwards because this can be drying.
I use this on my rough knees, on my heels, on my elbows. My kids use it for redness and acne breakouts. It is incredible how fast (1-2 days, I'm serious) the breakouts go away. For the price, you just can't beat it. It's effective, does what it says it's going to do and a whole lot more. It seems I'm always finding new uses for this.
I've always loved reading Paula's books - Don't Go to the Cosmetics Counter Without Me! - but now I am hooked on her skin care and am looking forward to trying more!
Best part of all about Paula's Choice? Head on over there and score samples! That's right - you can purchase samples and deluxe samples of just about every product she creates. That, dear readers, is what a real company does when they have nothing bad to hide!
I shall leave you now with the info from Paula's website:
- Acne Breakouts, Anti-Aging, Blackheads, Enlarged Pores, Keratosis Pilaris, Redness, Rosacea, Wrinkles
- For All Skin Types
- Creates radiant, even-toned skin
- Reduces redness & builds collagen
- Unclogs & diminishes enlarged pores
All skin types may use this product, but the texture is especially suited for those with normal to oily or combination skin, stubborn blackheads, and blemish-prone skin. It can also be used regularly to eliminate calluses on feet, elbows and knees.
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
In the Meantime...
However, Allure Magazine asked me to review L'Oreal's Revitalift skincare line. So I was happy to do so. It was an 8 week test. I received the eye cream, face cream and face serum. I was instructed to use the serum, then the eye cream, then the face cream every morning and night.
Uh...seriously? Why do I need all three of these products every morning and night? After 8 weeks of using the three products together faithfully every day and night I came to the conclusion that um, because you do if you want to have nice skin.
Face serum is lightweight and you only need a little bit. This stuff will exfoliate your skin (if you put too much on, it becomes gummy & you can actually rub it off and it comes off in little bits, which I found interesting). Ok. So the serum exfoliates your skin, leaving your skin looking brighter, of course, but it also leaves your dark spots (ew how I hate them) looking lighter. So put on the face serum and move on to the
Eye cream. It has a metal slanted tip applicator. I thought this was just L'Oreal being weird and trying to stand out, but found that the coolness of the metal tip felt really, really good on my undereye area. Even when I stood shivering at the sink in the winter, that metal tip under my eyes felt really good. This eye cream will eliminate any signs of puffiness. And I do mean ANY. I don't have puffiness underneath my eyes, so I thought well, this eye cream isn't going to help me any. Until I had a day where I'd spent a good time crying. When I cry, my upper lids puff up to gigantor proportions. Thought it couldn't hurt to try the eye cream on my lids, so I did so before bedtime, just knowing that I'd wake up with puffy lids anyway.
I didn't. I absolutely didn't. My eyelids weren't puffy at all. So this little tube is worth having around, definitely. Under my eyes it didn't help with the wrinkles I have and they're not all that bad so I thought this would help.
Finally, the face cream - moisturizer. It's a nice, thick cream that really moisturizes well. It does help make your skin feel firmer.
Bottom line is, I really liked these three products a lot. They're around $20 each, so to buy all three is $60. I'm not really willing to spend $60. I will, however, invest in the face serum!
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Covergirl Blast Flipstick Lipcolor
I received three Flipsticks from BzzAgent. The colors are: Minx, Vixen and Stunner. Each lipstick is double ended. You have a regular lipstick on one end and a creamy, shimmery shade on the other end. The premise is you can go from day to night with just one Flipstick.
I have brown hair, fair colored skin and blue eyes. So right away, Minx was definitely not the color for me. It's brown. It's a pretty shade and I really wanted it to work, but brown lips don't work on my face. I was hoping the golden shimmer would work then, but it didn't.
Vixen is another pretty color that I had high hopes for. It was too mauve. Actually out of the three, this is the only one that came close to being a possibility, but the mauve tone just didn't work for me. The shimmer color with this one is a pretty pink shade, but it just didn't work.
Finally, we have Stunner. It's a red shade and since I've never worn red, I was pretty pumped up about this one. It's dry and cakey. Must be something to do with the ingredients. There's a really pretty gold shimmer with this one and it's creamy but it didn't help me.
Thinking that it just must be me and my terrible lips, I had my friend try these on as well as my 16 yr old daughter. My friend had the same results as I did. My daughter was overcome with joy with the Stunner shade, since she advised us that it's the same shade Taylor Swift wears. Not one of the shades looked good on my daughter either, and that's really saying something, since any lipstick I have ever purchased always looks good on her.
Check out Covergirl's site here (it will open in a new window): http://covergirl.com/blastflipstick
If you wear lipstick, you'll love Covergirl Blast Flipstick. You can carry two shades with you in one lipstick! Bottom line is, there are loads of pretty colors to choose from and I'm looking forward to checking out some of the other colors at my local Target.