I received three Flipsticks from BzzAgent. The colors are: Minx, Vixen and Stunner. Each lipstick is double ended. You have a regular lipstick on one end and a creamy, shimmery shade on the other end. The premise is you can go from day to night with just one Flipstick.
I have brown hair, fair colored skin and blue eyes. So right away, Minx was definitely not the color for me. It's brown. It's a pretty shade and I really wanted it to work, but brown lips don't work on my face. I was hoping the golden shimmer would work then, but it didn't.
Vixen is another pretty color that I had high hopes for. It was too mauve. Actually out of the three, this is the only one that came close to being a possibility, but the mauve tone just didn't work for me. The shimmer color with this one is a pretty pink shade, but it just didn't work.
Finally, we have Stunner. It's a red shade and since I've never worn red, I was pretty pumped up about this one. It's dry and cakey. Must be something to do with the ingredients. There's a really pretty gold shimmer with this one and it's creamy but it didn't help me.
Thinking that it just must be me and my terrible lips, I had my friend try these on as well as my 16 yr old daughter. My friend had the same results as I did. My daughter was overcome with joy with the Stunner shade, since she advised us that it's the same shade Taylor Swift wears. Not one of the shades looked good on my daughter either, and that's really saying something, since any lipstick I have ever purchased always looks good on her.
Check out Covergirl's site here (it will open in a new window): http://covergirl.com/blastflipstick
If you wear lipstick, you'll love Covergirl Blast Flipstick. You can carry two shades with you in one lipstick! Bottom line is, there are loads of pretty colors to choose from and I'm looking forward to checking out some of the other colors at my local Target.